Derek Dowsett is the Producer of the County Seat. Now entering his 11th season of the program, he has received what he considers a "Crash Course" in County Government.

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Air quality continues to be a topic that many of us along the Wasatch Front are concerned about. It’s hard not to be concerned when it seems like weeks since the last time we saw past the sticky inversion. Joining us for the
conversation today is Jonathan Johnson, the executive vice chair of and the head of the task force on the air quality for the Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce; Bret Millburn, commissioner of Davis
County and the chair of the Wasatch Front Regional Council and Bryce Bird the Director of Air Quality for the State of Utah.

This week the panel discussed:

  • History and trends of inversions along the Wasatch Front. Is the inversion getting worse or is it cyclical?
  • How is pollution monitored?
  • Who is contributing the most pollution?
  • Where does change need to occur? (What Can Businesses do? What can Government do? What can the individual do?)
  • What changes do we need to see in infrastructure? (Natural Gas, Public Transit)
  • Wood-burning specifically as a polluter.