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In Depth and Extended Interviews and Stories


Season 1 Episodes

Segment 1: County Emergency Services

Another function that the County is charged with is to be prepared to protect the people of the community from a disaster. In cases like the floods in Washington County last December, the resources of the county are re-purposed in order to keep citizens safe. Those involved in county emergency services are there to coordinate efforts that will keep citizens safe and keep property damage to a minimum. However, the best way to be prepared for a disaster begins with individuals, because many times the first responders to an emergency can't make it to you first.

Segment 2: Emigration of Youth from Rural Utah

Rural Counties provide a unique lifestyle and are a great place to raise a family, but when the kids are ready to pursue their educations and careers they are often leaving these communities to find better opportunities. The counties are working to bring more opportunities to the area, but there are challenges that must be met.

Segment 3: Emigration of Youth from Rural Counties Pt. 1

There are a many reasons for the younger population of a county to move elsewhere. Many of the youth are pursuing a higher education so they must go where the universities are located, or they may leave on a mission for the LDS church. The youth don't always leave and never return. But what are the counties doing to provide opportunities for the youth to come back to? What are the pros and cons of the youth leaving? What is required for business to move into a county? How do rural counties remain rural, while growing at the same time?


Segment 4: Emigration of Youth from Rural Counties Pt. 2

There are a many reasons for the younger population of a county to move elsewhere. Many of the youth are pursuing a higher education so they must go where the universities are located, or they may leave on a mission for the LDS church. The youth don't always leave and never return. But what are the counties doing to provide opportunities for the youth to come back to? What are the pros and cons of the youth leaving? What is required for business to move into a county? How do rural counties remain rural, while growing at the same time?




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