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Season 1 Episodes

Segment 1: 2011 wrapup Condition of Probation Reimbursements

When counties house state inmates that are sentenced directly to county jails the counties are left to pick up the bill. In the 2012 legislative session the counties are asking for a part of the current beer tax as a dedicated fund for Condition of Probation funding.

Segment 2: 2011 wrapup TRCC

TRCC tax or the restaurant tax is a small tax added when people eat out at restaurants. The funds are used to make improvements to the community to bring more people in from outside the area. Some groups have argued that the tax is unconstitutional. The counties argue that it is an important funding source for the counties to make improvements to the area that will attract people to visit the community.

Segment 3: 2011 wrapup Energy Restrictions

Growing restrictions on oil and gas extraction creates higher prices at the pump and drives the industries that would come to Utah to pursue areas that don't have the restrictions.

Segment 4: 2011 wrapup Forest Management

The bark beetle has created a blight on the forests across the state. The hands off policies that have been used in forest management has created a problem that extends to the forests statewide. Proactive land management is an important tool to keeping our forests healthy.


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