Derek Dowsett is the Producer of the County Seat. Now entering his 11th season of the program, he has received what he considers a "Crash Course" in County Government.

We have a MECCA of renewable energy within a 50 mile radius. Talk about an education gold mine; and a development gold mine. We have the capabilities and the knowledge here to do it. -Andy Swapp Milford High School Shop Teacher

The town of Milford is becoming an exciting place for renewable energy. The valley it is located in has wind, geothermal, and solar potential. There is also hydro-power and the possibility for biomass energy generation. Nowhere else is there such a variety of renewable energy resources in such close proximity. Making Milford a perfect place to talk about renewable energy, even though it’s a little off the beaten path. Sit down with us as we take a look at the renewable energy fair and explore the potential for energy in rural communities throughout UTAH.