Derek Dowsett is the Producer of the County Seat. Now entering his 11th season of the program, he has received what he considers a "Crash Course" in County Government.

When you go to a buffet you
expect that there will always be
enough of each kind of food on
the menu so that your favorite
dish will be there when you go
through the line. But what if
the chef only spends $100 instead
of $200 dollars to make sure that
there is extra food on hand “just
in case”. Well, in a way that is
similar to the problem we will be
covering today on The County
Seat. Hi I’m Chad Booth and
hello again. In our scenario,
the buffet is your protection as
a citizen, and the entrees are
the available law enforcement
officers to serve and protect the
community. It seems that we have
not spent enough time and money
in the kitchen, to make sure
there is an adequate force on the
serving line. As a result, law
enforcement agencies have
resorted to stealing from each
other’s plate to get the officers
they need. That is the topic of
our discussion today.

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A Chadwick Booth & Co. Production
2469 E. 7000 S. Suite 110
Salt Lake City, Utah 84121
(801) 947-8888
Fax: (801) 947-9888

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