Derek Dowsett is the Producer of the County Seat. Now entering his 11th season of the program, he has received what he considers a "Crash Course" in County Government.


We are developing an episode that would focus in on the function of the County Commissioner. But first lets have a little fun and find out what different groups of people think a county commissioner does. Both from the perspective of real county commissioners and everyday people.

I have six questions to start us off:

  1. County Commissioners, what do your friends think you do?
  2. What does your family think you do?
  3. What do citizens think you do / citizens what do you think a commissioner does?
  4. What do the County Employees think you do?
  5. What do you think you do?
  6. What do you really do?

These questions were developed off of the fun little graphics you see from time to time on social media about different jobs. I noticed there isn’t one for commissioners.