Derek Dowsett is the Producer of the County Seat. Now entering his 11th season of the program, he has received what he considers a "Crash Course" in County Government.

The larger cities in Utah typically handle most of the services that we enjoy as residents of that community. There are still regional services that are handled at the county level. If you live in unincorporated Salt Lake County your fire and police services may be handled by Unified Police or Unified Fire or that may be a city service. Some cities may contract with the county for services such as Holladay City. As you move out to some of the more rural areas the county’s may be the primary service provider. It all depends on the size of a community and the kinds of services that the residents desire. It makes it hard to understand who is providing what service to you. A new piece of legislation is in the works to help define what services should be provided by the county and what level. But what kinds of services do cities and counties provide anyway? Terry Wood has the story.