Derek Dowsett is the Producer of the County Seat. Now entering his 11th season of the program, he has received what he considers a "Crash Course" in County Government.

Who is a County Commissioner and What do They Do?
As far as the position of the County Commissioner is concerned the responsibilities are fairly broad and can involve issues that affect the county from outside the borders. A County Commissioner is a unique position in terms of elected offices within the United States in that their position holds both legislative and executive powers. This doesn’t mean they have authority over other elected officers, but it does give the office important powers for getting things done within the county.
We do our best to answer this question, as Chad Booth sits down with Stan Summers, Box Elder County Commissioner; Kent Peatross, Duchesne County Commissioner; Bret Millburn, Davis County Commissioner to find out more about the role that Commissioners play in our daily lives.
Ria Rossi Booth takes us on a walk with the Utah County Commission to find out what the, Try a Trail with a Commissioner program is all about.
You can find out dates of the next Try a Trail Event Here:

1:09 – Every month or so the Utah County Commission gets out on the trails to: Try a Trail with a commissioner.
5:50 – Beginning of the Round table discussing the responsibilities of a County Commissioner

6:44 – What surprised you about your position as a County Commissioner?
7:40 – “it’s a Part-time job 60 hours a week.”
10:03 – What’s the learning curve?
11:03 – Fixing problems or at least seeking solutions
16:37 – Relationship between the Counties and the State
18:04 – Many Counties struggle with similar issues across the state.
19:20 – The Government that is closest to the people
20:26 – What kind of time commitment is it?
22:50 – Business outside the County.
Beginning of Round Table Discussing in-depth the problems associated with the current management of wild horses.

10:18 – What are the populations of Wild Horses in Utah and the Western United States?
14:14 – What are the different options for management that are on the table?
15:02 – What happens if we do nothing?
18:50 – What happens if ranchers reduce their livestock numbers?
24:02 – What are the solutions?
26:29 – Is there a payoff?

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A Chadwick Booth & Co. Production
2469 E. 7000 S. Suite 110
Salt Lake City, Utah 84121
(801) 947-8888
Fax: (801) 947-9888

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