Utah Association of Counties

December 29, 2013 0

The Utah Association of Counties is an association of all 29 of Utah’s Counties. The organization helps counties with legislative issues and continuing education for…

Public Works Dept

December 22, 2013 0

The county public works department provides a number of services to the citizens of the county. The public works department houses a number of services…

Public Works

December 17, 2013 0

https://youtube.com/watch?v=eJcQLjb0aYc%3Fautoplay%3D1%26rel%3D0%26enablejsapi%3D1%26playerapiid%3Dytplayer The county public works department provides a number of services to the citizens of the county. The public works department houses a number of…

Centrally Assessed Taxes

December 17, 2013 0

https://youtube.com/watch?v=4wy7Yfc_qRE%3Fautoplay%3D1%26rel%3D0%26enablejsapi%3D1%26playerapiid%3Dytplayer Centrally Assessed Taxes, S3 EP1-2 Centrally Assessed Taxes are assessed on unitary properties such as rail roads, airlines or utility companies. These are properties…